Women's Self Defense

Approach to Training

Empowering Women through Self Defense Training

Self defense is like wealth. There is no such thing as an instant get rich quick scheme that works. There is also no such thing as instant self defense that works...

Example of training
Why Standard Women's Self Defense Classes Don't Work

We all would like to be confident we could defend ourselves if ever called upon to do so. Have you ever seen anyone win a tennis competition after a couple of lessons? Real skill takes prolonged and consistent training.

While you might have been surprised of the need to take more classes, you may be more surprised the benefits of this effort accrue to improved health, relationships, avoiding accidents, etc.

Most Popular Self Defense for Women

Aikido and Tai Chi are the two most popular martial arts for women. Aikido has flowing circular techniques that are beautiful, yet quite powerful, and require little strength. Tai chi is similar but uses slow moving forms that emphasize health, similar to our Yoga Classes. Aikido is mainly a partner practice while Tai Chi is mainly a form based practice. Both are considered nonviolent forms as self defense in that they emphasize controlling an attacker while minimizing harm.

How our Program Works
womens self defense

If you started out thinking you could just take one class and suddenly find more is necessary, the question is whether the effort is worth it. The answer may surprise you: a small increase in effort can result in dramatic increases in benefits:

  • Avoiding the attack before it starts
  • Developing more peaceful relationships with everyone
  • Learning peaceful conflict resolution
  • Improved health and vitality
  • More attentive to avoid accidents
  • Falling safely in an accident
  • Self confidence leading to greater successes
  • Greater sense of peace, joy and purpose in life

Give it a try to see if it can work for you. If not, from a trial class, just like a single woman's self defense class, you can learn a little bit about what goes into learning to defend yourself.

Special Situations

We have offered self defense on college campuses and other private lessons. It is a lecture and information based class as opposed to technique based. It is designed purely as an introduction.

  1. Situational awareness to avoid violence
  2. Use of body mechanics and leverage to build confidence
  3. Demonstration of a few self defense techniques

We can offer a 1 hour class as an introduction to self defense for women. We generally charge $10/person with a minimum of $100 for one hour on our premises. We can travel, but will add a charge to cover the costs. Please feel free to contact us to inquire.