New York Still Mind Aiki Shuren Dojo

Aikido - The Martial Art of Peace

Adult Aikido Classes

Nature of Martial Arts Training: Imagine a customer walks up to the counter in a drugstore and asks, "I would like to buy some peace of mind. What aisle do you have that on?" As we all know, true peace of mind doesn't come in a bottle. It requires commitment and hard work.

Benefits of Training

Training is enjoyable, but the real value shows up when life presents challenges

Avoid Violence - Power When Needed
  • Partner practice without competition helps build muscle memory while dealing with resistance.
  • Training not to harm and relaxing under pressured multiple attacks quiets the mind and brings peace.
  • Relaxation brings skill in decision making and avoiding a violent threat. A reflexive response from a still mind with muscle memory leads to powerful technique.
A Lifestyle for Optimal Health

Western medicine is learning more and more about exercise. It is seen as the single most important factor in longevity. Extreme exercise can take a harmful turn with too much, but moderate exercise is constructive without restriction. A diet of local/fresh, unprocessed foods, good sleep and exercising on an empty stomach have been discovered in a healthy lifestyle. A constructive purpose in life and social relationships are also important.

Aikido lifestyle emphasizes every aspect that western medicine is only now coming to understand. That said, tai chi is a martial art that is even more aligned with health.

Peaceful, Happy People Have Better Relationships
  • Peaceful conflict resolution - sharing peace within creates harmonious relationships to stop violence before it starts.
  • Emotional hygeine - transforming emotions from negative to positive staves off violence
  • Inner peace & positive emotions produce better work and family relationships
Avoid the Accident/Minimizing Harm
  • Complete/continuous awareness in every technique so you are always prepared for multiple attackers
  • Relaxation and confidence while under pressure for good decisions and decisive execution
  • Awareness avoids accidents. Relaxation and confidence helps find your best opportunity and execute well
Avoid the Fall/Minimizing Harm
  • Balance is needed for throws and falls.
  • Rolling, relaxation and ki energy defrays impact through circular motion and minimizes damage by directing any impact to limbs
  • Many have told us stories of avoiding a nasty fall, only to roll and walk away safely

What to Expect in Class

Class Sampler
Highlights from Classes and Exams
Westchester County Center Demo

Training and Community

What is Aikido - Morihiro Saito

"When asked what Aikido is, it is difficult to answer the questions in a few words. But when asked for whom Aikido exists, the question is easy to answer. The answer is that Aikido exists for those who ask for it. In a limited sense, the art exists for those who actually practice it. Among the Aikido trainees, there are those who, endowed with glibness, claim to know everything about Aikido. Their actual training, however, belies their words and is not commendable. They lack enthusiasm about their training. I prefer the opposite type. If one examines Aikido patiently for a long time, something is bound to touch your heartstrings. That something is presumably the true answer to the question “What is Aikido?” The answer, therefore, varies as you continue to refine yourself. In my opinion, the answer is sort of an unwritten law which allows all kinds of interpretations but is something which is not forced on you by others."


Sabrina - mid 20's

Starting anything can be very intimidating, especially a martial art. I had never done a martial art before but I realized it's more than just a fitness class. This martial art teaches you situational awareness. It shows you no matter how long you practice you are still learning. It teaches you respect for other people because you learn to blend with them and eventually anticipate their next move or possibly learn their intentions. The cross training of tai chi and aikido has helped me strengthen my body and root myself to the ground.

Jason - mid 40's

The benefits of training in Aikido go far beyond being able to defend yourself. It is an ideal martial art if you're looking for individual improvement and a sense of internal and external balance. One of the great aspects of Still Mind Aikido is the collaborative spirit, and the incredible support given while learning the techniques from Sensei and fellow students in the dojo...I have made life long friends, here and abroad, have travelled the country training in other dojo’s and experiencing other teachers, and have learned more about myself and about how to manage the difficult situations of life. Aikido has practical applications in my regular work day, in raising my children, and even in being a volunteer firefighter...

Rick - age 50

...Starting my 29th year in my law enforcement career I can say that it has helped me to deal with some of the stress associated with this type work. Dealing with the public and department brass is stressful. I have learned that Aikido is not only for self-defense in the physical environment but also offense when dealing with different co-workers, bosses, who sometimes create stress onto others...